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who we are - what we do 

The character or sense of place is formed just like the terroir creates the character of fine wines ……The climate, the sun, the rain, the wind, the geography, geology and topography and most importantly the history and culture of the place and its people make the genius loci of our towns and cities. 
Our design process begins with understanding and harnessing the character of place to create harmonious and inebriating places.
Understanding and working with the climate and culture of a given place leads to making sustainable designs that are resilient both environmentally and socially.
We work with materials and techniques that are local to the project's context to support the local economy reduce the carbon footprint of construction and help to create a circular economy. 
Based in London UK and in Yangon Myanmar (Burma) our field of work covers
  • Urban Regeneration and heritage led regeneration of inner-city areas
  • Culture and education
  • Hospitality  

Our Team

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Christopher Green RIBA 
Principle Architect + director

T: +95 9421045437

T: +44 7538 695104

Architect and urban planner, Christopher Green was born December 7, 1958 in Sheffield, United Kingdom.


In 1983, he obtained the diploma of Architecture RIBA II at the school of Architecture and Urban Design of Oxford Polytechnic. 


Working with CGHP Architects, the Jubilee Hall consortium and Soho Housing Association in London he was responsable for the urban renewal and preservation of architectural heritage in Covent Garden London and regeneration projects in Hoxton and hackney in East London.


From 1990 he worked in the Provence region of France. Notable projects were the regeneration of Roman Thermal Spa of Sextius and The Mazarin Mirabeau development on the Cours Mirabeau.


From 2006 to 2017 he worked on Chateau La Coste Art centre and sculpture park with Tandao Ando and other buildings with jean Nouvel, Renzo Piano and Frank Gehry. In 2015 – 18 Christopher designed and built the Hotel 'Villa La Coste' with the owner Paddy Mckillen.


As Ceo of Tangram architects SA from 2009 to 2015 he designed and built the University Campus in Aix en Provence and the Urban master plan for Marseilles old port with Norman Foster and Michel Desvigne.


In 2015 he set up Green + Partners Architects + Urban Planners in London UK and Rangoon, Myanmar. Our work has been concentrated on hotel design and hospitality in South East Asia, 


He is also a consultant expert on Urban regeneration and heritage, working with ADB, AFD and FCDO UK on urban planning and infrastructure projects, affordable housing and public realm upgrades, in downtown Yangon and Mandalay, Myanmar, and on the Indian cities of Kolkata and Hyderabad.

Stuart Davidson MArch                       
Senior Architect (freelance) 
Tim Kennaugh RAIA                               
Senior Architect (freelance) 
Ei Phyu Win 
Architect (TTU Yangon)
Maung Maung Htut Kaung BA Civil
BIM Coordinator 
Yar Zar Moe Htet MSc
Civil Engineer and sustainable energy expert

80 Victoria Park Road

London E97JJ

United Kingdom

The Teak House

44B Malikha Road


T: +95 9421045437

T: +44 7538 695104

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